2008-04-05 Hong Kong

I meet Sin Sze’s parents for dim sum today. I like them except the ones with shrimps. Chinese see have dim sum as a proper meal while I find it more like having light side dishes.
In the afternoon, we catch a ferry to Cheung Chau, which is 40 minutes away from Central. We walk around the island – up the hill to a pavilion where you see a fantastic view of the Island, into the Cheung Po Tsai Cave which is thought to be a hiding place of the pirate, climbing on some flat rocks, into the dark bushes, along the shoreline – simply adventurous! We also have a taste of potato crisp in a spiral, which is said to be originated from Taiwan. It is simply tasty! In the evening, We meet up Sin Sze’s friend Alice for the movie “Once”.

2008-04-05-16.08.44 CIMG2737 No bicycle parking sea alien huge insect
potato crisp in a spiral dry seafood 2008-04-05-16.54.23 CIMG2751 2008-04-05-18.25.04 DSC09866 Cheung Chau sunset Cheung Chau sunset 2008-04-05-18.21.06 CIMG2801 Cheung Chau sunset Sun is set
potato crisp in a spiral